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Archiving a Workflow

You may want to archive a workflow so that it is no longer displayed in the Workflow Panel.  PLEASE NOTE: Jobs cannot be run on an archived workflow.

To archive a workflow you will need to have the relevant permissions set by your administrator. Select the workflow that you wish to archive from the view workflow panel. This action will then open the workflow details panel.

If you hold the required permissions you will see the archive workflow button at the bottom of the panel. If you do not have the relevant permissions, this will not show. To archive the workflow, select the archive workflow button, once selected a pop-up will ask you to confirm or cancel.

Once archived, you can not unarchive a workflow. You can however restore a previous version if your permissions allow.

PLEASE NOTE: WorkfloPlus does not permit workflows to be deleted completely because any associated job data would also be lost. Archiving effectively 'locks' the workflow but still enables old job data to still be available for analysis and download should it still be required.

"View Archived Workflows" can be toggled on and off by selecting and deselecting the ‘bin’ button at the top of the View Workflows panel as required.