Workflow steps are connected through drag-and-drop arrows, showing the direction the user is taken through in the workflow.
To connect the steps and create a complete workflow, hover over the step you wish to connect (4 small squares will appear). Move the cursor over one of the squares and a black plus sign will appear. Click the mouse, hold down, drag away from the box and a line will appear.
Drag the line to the step you wish to connect, move over the step and again the 4 boxes will appear. Hover over a box and release the mouse button to connect the step.
Repeat this task to connect each step, or in the case of a Decision Step the number of arrows needed will depend on the number of outcomes possible (minimum two). If an Input Step has a Fail Path, this step will need to have two arrows. The Fail Path must be labelled as ‘No'. Please note that Fail Paths are not currently supported on Photo Steps.
Ensure your workflow is fully connected by using the validation tool. Click on the Validate button in the Editor to check your workflow is complete at any time.
Connecting Steps