Reports When a job has been completed, WorkfloPlus automatically generates reports. What a ‘report’ contains is entirely up to you. A report might be a detailed job report showing all the completed steps in t... Data Integrations Report Templates WorkfloPlus v2.7
About This section provides Dashboard and Service information. There is also a link to Support, if needed.... Team Settings WorkfloPlus v2.7
Starting a Job Starting a new job on WorkfloPlus is quick and easy. Open WorkfloPlus on your Android or iOS app. If this is the first time you have launched WorkfloPlus on your device you will not see any jobs in yo... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Starting a Job with a QR Code WorkfloPlus includes the ability to begin a new job based on a workflow by scanning a QR code. This enables companies to place QR codes on equipment, certain locations, or in other places as it relate... Creating & Running Jobs QR Codes Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Navigating Forwards/Backwards WorkfloPlus jobs are sequential which allows you to easily move forwards and backwards through step by step instructions. If you’re using the Android or iOS apps then you can click on the forwards and... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Adding Notes During a Job When using a mobile phone to record a job using WorkfloPlus, on each step, there is the option to add a note for that step. This is designed to capture any additional information relating to the task ... Creating & Running Jobs WorkfloPlus v2.7
How to Enable & Use Text to Speech WorkfloPlus enables you to activate a text-to-speech (TTS) mode. When this is active, your client device will read out step titles and descriptions as you progress through a job. This is useful if you... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Voice Commands (Realwear) The Realwear HMT app is controlled using your voice, keeping your hands free for the job you’re completing. The voice commands are designed to be natural and simple to remember, but should you struggl... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Photo Annotation You can easily annotate images within the WorkfloPlus mobile app, using the annotation tool. This allows you to draw on a photo taken or an image selected within a photo step. For example, you may wan... Creating & Running Jobs WorkfloPlus v2.7
Using Remote Expert If Remote Expert is enabled in Team Settings, users have the ability to call out for help using the Remote Expert assistant, either before or during a job. On a mobile device this will be displayed as... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear Team Settings WorkfloPlus v2.7
Pausing & Resuming a Job It is possible to pause a job at any point by clicking on the Pause button on the top left hand side of the screen. You can resume the job from this screen by clicking on the Resume Button at the bott... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Transferring or Abandoning a Job on a Device To transfer your job to another user on a mobile device select the Pause button on the top left side of the screen and then click on the top right hand corner to bring up the options. Select Transfer ... Creating & Running Jobs Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7