Integrations Introduction Integrations (formerly triggers) can be configured to send data on to a downstream person(s) or application(s) when a job has been completed. WorkfloPlus offers two types of Integrations Email : Send ... Data Integrations WorkfloPlus v2.7
HTTP Integrations HTTP integrations allow you to specify a rule such that an endpoint is sent an HTTP POST request whenever a job is completed against a workflow that is associated with the integration; integrations of... Data Integrations WorkfloPlus v2.7
Queries Introduction The new Query API for v2.7 provides an enhanced experience for querying your data; making more information available than previously and using a much clearer and more concise query langua... Data Integrations WorkfloPlus v2.7
WorkfloPlus V2.7 Client Release Notes 10th December 2024 Platforms Realwear - HMT/NAV Version: 2.57.49423 Fixed: Devices now support Android 12 Permission requirements. _____________________________________________________________________... Release Notes WorkfloPlus v2.7
Logging into Dashboard To access the WFP Dashboard from your browser go to and enter your Team Name. Once you have entered your Team Name enter your login credentials which will have been s... Logging In WorkfloPlus v2.7
Using Markdown To Format Text Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents, it’s purpose is to give your document a better style without using HTML or CSS langua... Windows Editor WorkfloPlus v2.7
Logging in with Realwear Headset INSTALLATION OF WORKFLOPLUS You can install the Workfloplus onto your HMT Realwear headset in 2 ways: 1. Download via the Realwear Explorer App for your laptop or PC, then add the WFP APK file. The AP... Logging In Realwear WorkfloPlus v2.7
Installing the Windows Editor To install the WFP Editor , you will need to download and unzip the executable file and ensure you meet the minimum system requirements detailed below. You can then run this file to begin the install.... Set Up Windows Editor WorkfloPlus v2.7
App Set up & Login To download the WorkfloPlus to your chosen mobile or wearable device you will need to do this directly from the app store. Android: WorkfloPlus is compatible with Android Version 5 and above. You can ... Logging In Set Up WorkfloPlus v2.7
WFP V2.7 User Guide Workflows in 2.7 are built in the WFP Editor by dragging and dropping steps and using connecting lines to define the order of thesequence. Once a Workflow is created it is published to the WFPDashboar... User Guide WorkfloPlus v2.7
WFP V2.7 Editor User Guide The WorkfloPlus (WFP) Editor enables you to create, edit, saveand upload workflows using a simple drag and drop userinterface.... User Guide WorkfloPlus v2.7
Logging in with a 3rd Party If you have a Google or Microsoft account and your Administrator has set this as an option you can sign in by clicking on the Google or Microsoft links at the bottom of the login screen. To set up 3rd... Getting Started WorkfloPlus v2.7 WorkfloPlus v3